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Like travelling perfumes, a selection of teas inspired by traditional recipes brought back from all over the world, places where tea is a ritual of hospitality and friendship!
Great Traditions
Hospitality Teas
A collection of pretty herbal teas with deliciously fruity flavours, 100% natural, caffeine-free and very appetizing! Drink hot or iced at any time of day!
Herbal Teas
Discovering exceptional teas from different terroir: misty teas, high mountain teas, spring teas. Naturally divine flavours!
Exceptional Discoveries
Genuine Teas
The alliance of green tea and superfoods, plants and essential oils for herbal teas with health-giving properties.
with Essential Oil
Wellness Teas
Beneficial beverages from all over the world, infusions to enjoy for their sensual pleasure and multiple age-old properties.
Variety of Benefits
World Beverages
Beautifully packed and exclusive tea sets for you and your loved ones.
Delightful Sharing
Gift Sets