Poetic Nature
To create the fragrances of Poetic Nature, we called on renowned noses and the expertise of the teams based in Grasse, the cradle of perfume.
In 2018, the savoir-faire linked to Grasse perfume was listed on UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage of humanity. It covers three aspects: cultivating the perfume plant, the knowledge of the raw materials and their transformation, and the art of composing a perfume.This UNESCO label is a guarantee of durability for all the actors, among them the horticulturists and farmers who grow the roses, jasmine, lilies and iris which are so precious for the creation of a perfume.
The perfumer who is also known as a « Nose » creates fragrances using sweet-smelling raw materials. In the same way as a musician plays with sounds to create a melody or a painter who mixes colours to paint a picture, perfumers imagine blends and compose fragrances. You need a lot of training to be a «Nose» because, like a pianist, you have to know your scales to be able to compose a creation. To be a perfumer, you need to have an exceptional memory. A perfumer has to memorise all the scented raw materials available and there are thousands of them!

星空茶香 乳木果香薰蠟燭 180克

蔚南海岸 乳木果香薰蠟燭 180克

甜橘之夢 乳木果香薰蠟燭 180克

無花果絮語 乳木果香薰蠟燭 180克

甜橘之夢 藤枝香薰 100ml

星空茶香 藤枝香薰 100ml

星空茶香香薰線香 25支

星空茶香香薰油 15ml

蔚藍海岸 藤枝香薰 100ml

甜橘之夢香薰油 15ml

茉莉花叢 藤枝香薰 100ml